“Perhaps it is music that will save the world.”
Pablo Casals said this, after hearing the students of the Talent Education movement in Japan, April 1961.
I write this on Remembrance Day. This is a day when I reflect on the effects of war. Not just to appreciate the sacrifices and commitment of the military, but also to remember how war and other acts of violence affect civilians. In my immediate family, we count both WWII veterans and WWII refugees, people who have given me personal stories about their war experience. Some years I am thankful for movements towards peace in the world, and other years I am worried when events start to look similar to past events that foreshadowed future conflict.
This year, my student groups met to rehearse on the evening before November 11. I was thinking about Remembrance Day, and following current events, and hoping for a peaceful future for my students. This brought to mind what Pablo Casals said to Shinichi Suzuki after hearing a student performance: “Perhaps music can save the world.” So I took a moment with each class to speak to the students. This is what I said:
Tomorrow is Remembrance Day. On this day, there are certain things that we do to remind ourselves about past wars and our hope for future peace. This reminded me of what Pablo Casals said to Dr. Suzuki: “Perhaps music can save the world.”
Think about this, and think about what we are doing here tonight.
- We are listening carefully to each other.
- We are taking turns, alternating between leading and supporting each other.
- We are anticipating what our colleagues are trying to do, and helping them achieve it.
- We listen respectfully to suggestions to improve the performance of our group.
- We are flexible, and often try different solutions before we solve a problem.
- We share the same goals.
- We are cooperating to create something beautiful and expressive.
Do you think, if our world leaders all did these things too, our world would be a better place?
We are not world leaders. Some of you may grow up to become one! But what we can all do here and now, is take what we do in our group class, and use it to make our own small corner of the world a better place. Take this thought with you tomorrow, for Remembrance Day.