Teacher Trainer
With the Unit 6 Teacher Training class at the International Suzuki Festival in Lima, Peru.
I qualified to become a Suzuki Method Teacher Trainer in Recorder in 2013. The Suzuki method is a worldwide movement in music education, and I have had the pleasure or working with teachers  in Canada, the United States, Ecuador, Peru, Australia, and the Netherlands. [read more …]

It is very inspiring to work with teachers who are passionate about helping children develop their abilities using the mother-tongue method of talent education developed by Shinichi Suzuki.

I am also a Creative Ability Development Teacher Trainer. Creative Ability Development, (CAD for short) is a pedagogical method that uses musical improvisation as a tool to develop a child’s creativity.

CAD teaches a child to develop their own musical voice, share their ideas,  and respect the ideas shared by others.  Students who study CAD develop not only a strong sense of self-expression in music but also in their everyday lives and careers.

 My next courses:

I also gather and share resources for teachers and students. You can find them here: